Northwest​ Cheerleading
Have you turned everything in? Probably, but here's a checklist to help you double check.
Did you turn in your cheerleader application?
Did you turn in your grades?
Did you turn in your teacher evaluation request?
Final Tryout - Introduction Video
Did you state your name?
Did you tell us your grade?
Did you tell us what season(s) you're trying out for?
Did you tell us what stunt/build positions you can do and/or prefer to do?
Did you tell us about your tumbling experience?
Did you answer all the questions in the questionnaire?
Did you send us the video?
Final Tryout - Skills Video
Did you state your name?
Are you following the dress code?
Did you include all three jumps - hurdler, toe touch, double toe touch?
Did you include your tumbling?
Did you include the cheer?
Remember to call it, be loud and clear, be sharp and spirit afterward​
Did you include the dance?
Remember to play the music and don't forget to smile!​
Did you include Chant 1?
Remember to call it, be loud and clear, be sharp and spirit afterward​
Did you include Chant 2?
Remember to call it, be loud and clear, be sharp and spirit afterward​
Did you make sure it's all one video?
Did you send us the video?
Forget anything?
Links to ​everything is included again below: