Northwest​ Cheerleading
There are three jumps you must do for tryouts: a hurdler, toe touch, and a double toe touch.
Tips and Walkthrough
We start our jumps with a clasp, not a high V
Start your jump with feet together and arms tight to your sides.
Jumps are done to an 8-count
1 - hold with feet together and arms tight to your sides
2 - hold with feet together and arms tight to your sides
3 - clasp and squat to prepare for your jump
4 - come up on your toes and extend your clasp above your head
5 - swing through and squat
6 - execute your jump
7 - clean landing with both feet together
8 - hold
1 - stand up
Keep your chest up through out your jump.
Make sure your arms hit the right motion
touchdown for hurdler​
T for toe touch
Keep your legs straight
Point your toes
Make sure you snap your legs back down to get to keep your timing
You can do your right side or left side - it's your choice
Hurdlers are done at a 45 degree angle.
If you're doing a right leg hurdler, you turn 45 degrees to your right​
If you're doing a left leg hurdler, you turn 45 degrees to your left
Your front leg should straight out
Your back leg should be bent with your knee pointing down
Arms are in a touchdown position
This video is very helpful in showing what we expect to see:
Toe Touch
Technique is key for the toe touch: We want to see clean preps, execution, and landings.
Feet need to be together at the start and end of the jump.
There should not be a double jump to get more height. Use a deep squat and those core muscles to get up.
Legs should be straight.
Snap your feet back together and don't bend your knees when you're landing.
Arms should be in a T position. Don't drop them to look below your legs.
This video is good at showing the basic positions throughout the toe touch. It also has some useful exercises, but please DO NOT use rubber bands:
Double Toe
For the double toe touch you will swing through and add another toe touch instead of landing on count 7.
1 - hold​
2 - hold
3 - clasp and squat
4 - extend onto your toes and your clasp above your head
5 - pull through and squat to get your power
6 - toe touch
7 - squat and swing through to power up again
8 - toe touch
1 - land with feet together
2 - hold
3 - clean
Use the landing from your first jump to power into your second jump
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